
Queer as folk (2004) #7

Aired: May 30th 2004
Source: queer-as-folk.it
Written by: Mattia Galliera
Edited by : Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy
Photo gallery

Brian meets the surgeon who explains to him everything about his cancer and the fact that they need to remove the testicle affected by it. Neither his fertility nor his sexual performance will be damaged. Because of his health conditions and his concerns, Kinney pretends to ignore Justin no matter how much he tries to please him and have sex with him.

Hunter's sarcasm right before uncle Vic's funeral really upsets Michael. All the people gathered around the coffin say something about their friend, everyone but Debbie, who cannot speak at all. However, she is going to throw a party to honour her brother after finding a letter he wrote to her when he was very ill. Debbie's grief is much stronger and deeper than she wants to let the people around her know..

Blake doesn't want to see Ted anymore because of his sense of responsibility and honesty as a counsellor. Teddy must focus on himself now. After being tempted to use drugs again when he's offered at the Babylon, he gets rid of cocaine in front of Blake.

Ben's attitude proves how much he cares about his foster child as he understands that the boy must be really scared of HIV, particularly after seeing what happened to Vic. Eventually Mikey realizes how hard it must be for him and starts to show more sympathy.

Emmet lets Ted know that he’s read the letter and tells how he felt about Ted being an addict.

Synopsis by the staff. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this material by any means, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the prior permission of the administrators and without the credits of queer-as-folk.it.