
Queer as folk (2004) #6

Aired: May 23rd 2004
Source: queer-as-folk.it
Written by: Mattia Galliera
Edited by : Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy
Photo gallery

At Kinnetik's launch party Brian shows his gratitude and happiness and gives back to Lindsay the money he had received, as representative of the Concerned Citizens For The Truth.

Justin and Michael are offered to have Rage turned into a film by Brett Keller. Debbie is on cloud nine and almost faints at the great news.

Debbie's resentment for not being invited to Vic's house-warming is still burning. When she pays him a visit she cannot keep her sarcasm and reproach to her brother and keeps reminding him all the things that she has done for him. This is the last time she sees her brother.

As part of his recovery programme Teddy hands his written apologies to Emmett, who is not exactly ready for making up. Secretly Blake will give his little help to try and convince him to forgive his ex. Ted's letter will not stay unread for long ...

Lindsay meets Auerbach, an eccentric and arrogant painter and is very disappointed by his unpleasant behaviour. Mel persuades her partner not to give up, no matter how disgusting the artist's advances can be. After all he is also a man, she just needs to focus on the opportunity for her own career.

Brian and Justin bet on a new hot guy in town and play as rivals, but he seems to fancy Sunshine more. Kinney is going to have fun anyway but not without an unwanted surprise. In fact, the guy happens to be a doctor ...

Michael and Emmett find Uncle Vic sitting on his chair in front of the TV. Unfortunately, he is not asleep. Debbie is devastated and devoured by her sense of guilt for being so cruel to him and, most of all, for not making up before he passed away. Kinney's sarcasm and point of view is not appreciated among the mourners, especially by Debbie who ends up losing her temper. Mikey will be the only one to understand and defend him. The guy's main concern now is how to help his mother go through the grief over the sudden loss.

Synopsis by the staff. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this material by any means, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the prior permission of the administrators and without the credits of queer-as-folk.it.