Aired: May 9th 2004
Written by: Mattia Galliera
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy
Photo gallery
Ben and Michael are filling in all the necessary papers to become Hunter's foster parents. Michael in particular is concerned and fears that they might lose their battle, especially after a social worker visits them and sees Debbie and her son fighting and shouting at each other. Surprisingly, arguing will be considered not only acceptable but it also proves that there is love in their family.
Mel is working hard to defend a lesbian couple and have their rights as foster parents legally recognized. It's going to be tough, especially when the judge is unexpectedly replaced by a more conservative lady.
After Vic has moved out Debbie feels lonelier and is outstaying her welcome at Michael and Ben's too often so that they will have to have a word with her.
Emmett breaks Lindsay and Mel's rules by having a guest at night. Unfortunately, his prey turns out to be rather noisy ...
A glitch at the Kinnetik. A bank transfer for Endovir ads should have been made but the accountant failed to meet the deadline. As it is the same company that fired Ted, it is Schmidt's turn to help out Brian by accessing the system and sort things out. In return he will be offered a job at Kinnetik, which he is going to accept only after helping a group of elderly ladies with their bill at Rigoletto's ...
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