Aired on: May 18th 2003
Written by: Mattia Galliera
Translated by: Mattia Galliera
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps by: Marcy
Photo gallery
To help Ted get through his crisis Emmett plans a weekend for two in the country but he has to give up because of work. He encourages his partner to go anyway, on his own, to find some relief from emotional and mental stress. On the way there Ted is distracted by Paradise Motel, where a persuasive guy , called Mark , invites him to join a tempting but dangerous party.
Doctor's advice for Mel: avoid stress and eat well in order to prevent any further complication. Michael is really concerned and starts "spying" on her, so when she suddenly feels sick at work he is there to help her. Although the baby is not in danger, she eventually decides to slow down and take good care of herself.
Hunter is hospitalised because of a kidney infection. Ben pretends to be his uncle and pays for the medical treatment. Michael strongly disapproves and gets upset; meanwhile the boy is diagnosed as HIV positive. When Ben wants to tell him, Hunter has already vanished without trace.
At night Justin starts his personal secret anti-Stockwell campaign by posting bills along the streets w here the man is depicted as a Nazi. The newspapers will report the fact and Stockwell will get furious. Brian advises him not to worry too much and to have a good laugh about it instead. Kinney catches Justin making copies of his posters at work and asks him to stop.
Ted is back from his trip and lies to Emmett saying that he went to that place in the country. Emmett notices he looks rather exhausted though.
At Babylon Brian finds some bad news waiting for him: the backroom has been shut down. He finally joins Justin in his night activity.